Stupid Gun Control – A rebuttal to Laura Pulfer (April 23, 1999)
April 23, 1999
Cincinnati Enquirer
Dear Editor:
Pulfer wrote “Are gun lovers ready to face bloody truth?” (April 22, 1999). As
usual, she assumed the role of apologist for her liberal causes. It is no
surprise that liberals would use the Littleton, CO tragedy as another excuse to
impose gun control legislation. What laws should we enact next: A five-day
waiting period on propane? Or gasoline? Or BMWs?
Do these liberals ever
consider the facts regarding gun control? Is it not obvious that an unarmed
citizenry is vulnerable to attack by anyone carrying a bigger stick? Do they not
know that crime rates drop when citizens are granted the right to carry
concealed weapons? Why do cities with the strictest gun control laws (such as
Washington, DC) have the highest crime rates?
Gun control only applies to
honest citizens. Criminals desire gun control because it makes their lives
easier. They don’t have to worry about getting shot while committing rapes and
robberies. Criminals will always be armed. Honest citizens need to level the
playing field to have a fighting chance against them.
Do you remember the
Luby’s Cafeteria massacre that occurred a few years ago in Texas? A woman who
normally carried a gun in her purse left it in her car on that fateful day. She
did this out of respect for her parents’ wishes. Her parents along with many
others died that day. She now has to live with that bad decision. Without her
gun she was nothing more than a sheep awaiting slaughter. She was helpless to
protect herself and her family.
I can’t help but wonder how many lives
might have been saved in Colorado, if they had allowed the adults the right to
defend themselves.
John E. Becker