Election Reminder for John Becker (April 30, 2006)
You have received this message because you are a subscriber to The Becker Report.
This is a friendly request to vote for me on Tuesday.
If you live in Clermont, Brown, Adams, Scioto, or the western half of Lawrence County, my name will be on your Republican ballot.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported me for re-election.
The following is a complete list of my endorsements and quotes that I have permission to use.
They are followed by the press release that I sent out last week.
Endorsed by Family First PAC
Endorsed by the 19 county Southern Ohio GOP
Chairmen’s Association.
Endorsed by Dr. John Willke, founder and
President of International Right to Life
and Life Issues Institute.
Endorsed by Stephen Caraway, Adams County Republican Club President.
Endorsed by the Union Township Republican Party (Clermont County).
Endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party.
Endorsed by the Ohio Taxpayers
Association (OTA).
Endorsed by the Buckeye Firearms
Endorsed by Ohio Gun PAC.
Endorsed by Harty Wallingford, Chairman of the Adams County Republican Party.
Endorsed by Rodney Barnett, Chairman of the Scioto County Republican Party.
Endorsed by Ray “Moose” Dutey, Chairman of the Lawrence County
Republican Party.
The following are what others are saying
about me:
- “John, I would like to take this opportunity to endorse you for reelection. I believe that you have served with distinction. In times like these, we need people like you to continue to fight for our conservative ideas and candidates. Thus, it is my strong feeling that you deserve to continue your work as 14th District State Committeeman. I wish you all the best!” said Stephen Caraway, Adams County Republican Club President and community leader.
- “John asked me if I would like to write a paragraph to be sent out in his Becker Report. As I considered this there are a lot of issues and things that I could write about but have decided to take this time to say a few things about John Becker. John was the State Central Committeeman for our district when I became involved in the party during the Bush Campaign in 2004. Since then I have watched John stay very involved in Brown County. He has stayed involved by coming to our Central Committee Meetings and coming to our events. When I ran for Trustee, John came to Brown County (although this was not in his township or even county) and helped with my campaign by walking in parades and going to the polls and handing out literature. He has worked very hard in his position and I believe has served the people well. As you cast your vote in the Primary on May 2nd I am asking that you consider casting your vote for John Becker to be re-elected as State Central Committeeman for our district,” said Michelle E. Jowers, Brown County Republican Club President.
- “John Becker has quickly become one of the most active members of the State Central Committee. Whether it be actively participating in campaigns or working on the committee, John aggressively represents the interests of his district. His newsletter, ‘The Becker Report’, is an excellent communications tool for his readers to know what is going on in Ohio Politics,” said Bob Bennett, Ohio Republican Party Chairman. It is my understanding that I will be endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party in the next two or three weeks.
- “John Becker is the best State Central Committeeman that we’ve ever had. He has been more visible, helpful, and more attentive than all previous State Central Committeemen combined,” said Bill Herdman, former Brown County Republican Party Chairman. These are enormous compliments considering the fact that Bill and I were opponents for this position two years ago.
- “John Becker has my personal endorsement for reelection to the position of Republican State Central Committeeman. In the past two years, due to the amount of time that John and I have spent working for the Republican cause, we have become good friends. My endorsement is given because I feel that John Becker has done an outstanding job, has been very aggressive, attended all of our functions on a regular basis, and ‘The Becker Report’ has kept myself and all of our colleagues well informed of the current and future events concerning our goals,” said Harty Wallingford, Adams County Republican Party Chairman.
- “John Becker has been a frequent visitor to Scioto County GOP meetings and special events. He has maintained excellent communications with party faithful through ‘The Becker Report’ and has also been a regular attendee at our Annual Lincoln Day Banquet. If one takes the time to examine what a State Central Committee Member is supposed to do, one would quickly find John Becker more than meets the job description. As chairman, I strongly support John’s bid for re-election to the State Committee based in part on his tremendous dedication to this position, his communication skills, and his attendance throughout the district,” said Rodney Barnett, Scioto County Republican Party Chairman.
- “John Becker has done an exceptional job supporting Lawrence County. He has worked at it harder than any other State Central Committeeman that I’ve ever known. John Becker’s commitment to keeping people informed via ‘The Becker Report’ and frequent telephone contact is greatly appreciated. I enthusiastically endorse John Becker for reelection,” said Ray “Moose” Dutey, Lawrence County Republican Party Chairman.

John Becker
State Central Committeeman, 14th District
Ohio Republican Party
211 S. Fifth Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
News Release
For Immediate Release
UNION TOWNSHIP-CLERMONT COUNTY, Ohio April 23, 2006. State Central Committeeman John Becker is announcing his bid for re-election to the Republican State Central Committee. For the past two years Mr. Becker has served the 14th Senate District which includes all or part of five counties; Clermont, Brown, Adams, Scioto and Lawrence.
The hard working Committeeman is accumulating many organizational endorsements such as the Ohio Republican Party, the Southern Ohio GOP Chairmen’s Association which represents 19 southern Ohio counties and Clermont County’s Union Township Republican Party. Mr. Becker said, “I want to return the Republican Party to both fiscal and social conservatism.”
His personal endorsements include; Dr. John Willke, founder and President of Life Issues Institute; Harty Wallingford, Chairman of the Adams County Republican Party; Rodney Barnett, Chairman of the Scioto County Republican Party and Ray “Moose” Dutey, Chairman of the Lawrence County Republican Party.
Mr. Becker has been an active member of the Clermont County Republican Party for over 13 years. He is a conservative Republican; pro-life, pro-limited government and a life member of the NRA.
Mr. Becker lives in the Eastgate area and is a member of Mt. Carmel Christian Church but he also attends St. Veronica Church with his family. He works as an Assistant Vice President and Senior Financial Analyst for Fifth Third Bank in Cincinnati. He has earned a Baccalaureate Degree from Northern Kentucky University and a Masters of Business Administration from Xavier University.
The election for state central committee will be held on May 2, 2006. Visit his website at www.BeckerGOP.com and browse his monthly newsletters or contact him at John@BeckerGOP.com.
John Becker
Republican State Central Committeeman
Clermont, Brown, Adams, Scioto, and Lawrence Counties