The Becker Report – January 2021
President Trump
I voted for Senator Cruz in the 2016 Primary election. A few months later it came down to Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I’ve been a Trump guy ever since Senator Cruz conceded. That was a no-brainer.
It’s easy to find reasons to like President Trump
- Trump has been awesome at promoting Pro-Life judges and fighting planned Parenthood. Intentional abortion (killing innocent human beings) is an evil that must be defeated.
- He made very good and substantive changes to the tax code and eliminated the mandate to force people to purchase healthcare insurance against their will.
- Trump’s economic policy has been hugely successful and we are now energy independent for the first time in my lifetime.
- His foreign policy has also been hugely successful with peace treaties in the middle east and renegotiating trade deals to put America first.
- Trump took on the establishment to drain the swamp. He connected with regular people and spoke our language. Fortunately, he was no Mitt Romney or John McCain. But he wasn’t as smooth or charismatic as Ronald Reagan either.
- Although he was technically a politician, he could be better described as the anti-politician. He had and continues to enjoy the loyal following of millions.
I’m saddened that America’s unprecedented success due to Trump’s policies is beginning to change.
Nobody’s Perfect
There is certainly room for criticism of Trump. His personal life prior to becoming president reminded me of when Bill Clinton was president and performed his sins in the Whitehouse. (But according to the Democrats, “character doesn’t matter.”)
Trump is not a constitutionalist and has been recklessly deepening the national debt. The day of reckoning gets closer every day. The end is near. I just keep hoping that the fiscal collapse doesn’t occur in my or my children’s lifetime. We’ll see.
Impeached Again? Really?
As if the first impeachment wasn’t dubious enough, the second impeachment (without any hearings) further discounts the first one. I’m looking forward to the Senate trial and the contents of Trump’s speech used against him:
“We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people.”
“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
Under the topic of “elections have consequences,” the Biden administration has moved quickly to:
- Destroy American jobs (Keystone Pipeline).
- Threaten national security.
- Roll back energy independence.
- Open the borders to illegal aliens.
- Expand Medicaid to more able-bodied adults.
- Allow biological men to compete in women’s sports complete with locker room and shower access.
- Lola can now serve in the military and the taxpayers have to pay for his/her/whatever sex change operations and hormone treatments.
- Use our tax dollars to maximize the killing of innocent human beings awaiting exit from their mother’s birth canal.
- Well, I hope as many as possible make it out alive and into loving arms rather than an abortionist’s bloody hands.
Minimum Wage
I suppose an argument could be made that too many people don’t have access to high-end housing and sports cars. It’s a matter of fairness that the minimum wage should be at least $200 per hour. It’s a matter of equity, right? This would go a long way toward the left’s goal of equal outcomes for all.
Is $200 too much? Or not enough? Why?
How do we know what the correct number is? Perhaps we should set it at zero and let the free-market economy figure out the optimal wage for services rendered? It seems like that would maximize employment and business efficiency.
Private Citizen Affidavits (PCAs)
The September and October 2020 editions of The Becker Report explains much of the detail. The 25 counties that I know of where PCAs have been filed or delivered per ORC 2935.09(D) are: Adams, Allen, Ashtabula, Belmont. Brown, Butler, Clermont, Franklin, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Highland, Lake, Licking, Lorain, Marion, Miami, Montgomery, Pickaway, Richland, Summit, Union, Warren, Washington, and Wood Counties. Only 63 more to go!
The purpose of these is to seek out a judge or prosecutor willing to perform his clear legal duty as described in ORC 2935.10(A) and either issue an arrest warrant or launch an investigation into the charges outlined in the PCA against Governor DeWine.
Washington County – Marietta
Some of you had inquired about a potential charge or cost for filing a Private Citizen Affidavit (PCA). Initially, I had that same concern. My attorney assured me that case law would protect the citizens in the eight SW Ohio counties that comprise of the 12th District Court of Appeals, but there was no guarantee for the rest of the state. He was correct.
As these PCAs were getting filed throughout Ohio, I had repeatedly told people that there were no guarantees, but I had not heard of anybody getting charged any kind of fee for properly filing a criminal affidavit as allowed under Ohio law.
All of that was true until Washington County came to my attention. One of their citizens properly filed a criminal PCA, per ORC 2935.09(D), with the Washington County Clerk of Courts. The Clerk improperly processed the criminal PCA through civil court and the judge illegally dismissed it without an investigation per the requirements of ORC 2935.10(A). Worse than that, the citizen is now the victim of the court’s improper actions. The victim received a bill for court costs for $192.90. WTH?
The victim reached out to me and then I contacted my attorney. Based on his guidance, I reached out to the Washington County Clerk of Courts and their prosecutor’s office via email. Our communications were prompt, polite, and professional. However, at the end of the day I was told that the situation is what it is and if the victim doesn’t like it, the victim should spend thousands of dollars to hire an attorney and fight Washington County in court.
The victim doesn’t have the resources to fight them and I found it tempting to personally finance the effort to seek justice. Prudence prevailed and I simply issued a personal check to the victim for $192.90. Just for the record here, the victim did not ask, nor expected me to do that. I volunteered it because I don’t like to see people get screwed. That said, I’m not promising that I’ll do that for anybody else.
I’m telling this story to let people know that it is imperative that criminal PCAs get processed through criminal court. If the Clerk of Courts refuses to process it properly, then take it directly to the prosecutor’s office. Don’t be a victim.
Clermont County Republican Party Resolution
The Clermont County Republican Party passed a resolution (sponsored by Chris Hicks) asking the Ohio Republican Party to not endorse in the 2022 primary election, but rather to support a free and open primary election. Although much of the discussion focused on Governor DeWine, the resolution was written broadly to include all offices. It is as follows:
A resolution
Clermont County Republican Party
WHEREAS, on January 15, 2021, at a meeting of the Ohio Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party Chair Jane Timken alluded to supporting incumbents;
WHEREAS we believe in the need for a fair Republican Primary in 2022 that allows fair consideration of alternatives to all incumbent candidates;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Clermont County Republican Party calls on the Ohio Republican Party and Chair Timken to support and defend a free and open Republican Primary for all offices that puts voters and their county party first, not Columbus insiders, first;
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call on the Ohio Republican Party to not issue candidate endorsements in the 2022 Primary.
• Considered and approved by the Clermont County Republican Central Committee on January 20, 2021.
• Motioned by: Nathan Schuler (Tate Township D).
• Seconded by: Magda Dawson (Union Township Y).
• For: 39 (73%) / Opposed 11 (21%) / Non-voting 3 (6%)
Press Release Supporting the Resolution

Video Central
BeckerGOP YouTube Channel
August 24, 2020 – Introduction of the 10 Articles of Impeachment against Governor Mike DeWine (33 minutes)
August 27, 2020 – Update on impeachment (16 minutes)
August 29, 2020 – State Representative, John Becker speaking at the Unifying Ohio for Liberty rally (22 minutes)
August 31, 2020 The Becker Report – August 2020 (15 minutes)
September 6, 2020 – Impeach DeWine Update (3 minutes)
September 13, 2020 – Impeachment Update, with potential criminal charges, against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (19 minutes)
September 20, 2020 – Impeachment Update – Is Gov. DeWine Pro-Life? Is HB 272 “feel good” legislation? (12 minutes)
September 28, 2020 – Private Citizen Affidavit (2 minutes)
September 30, 2020 – The September issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
October 6, 2020 – Writ of Mandamus (8 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 1 – Election Update – French and Kennedy – Ohio Supreme Court – Shea (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 2 – Governor DeWine Review – How did we get to where we are today? (6 minutes)
October 19, 2020 – Update on Impeachment, Private Citizen Affidavits, and Writ of Mandamus Against Governor DeWine (5 minutes)
October 26, 2020 – Becker Calls for the Resignation of AG Dave Yost and Files Motion for Sanctions in Twelfth District (4 minutes)
October 30, 2020 – October issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
November 2, 2020 – Vote Trump 2020 (7 minutes)
November 12, 2020 – Governor DeWine Weaponizing the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (6 minutes)
November 26, 2020 – Thanksgiving Day update – Private Citizen Affidavits filed/delivered in 20 counties (5 minutes)
November 30, 2020 – The November issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
December 29, 2020 – The December issue of The Becker Report (2 minutes)
January 31, 2021 – The January 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
Other Videos
President Trump’s full speech from January 6, 2021 (74 minutes)
PragerU: Be Brave (6 minutes)
PragerU: No Past, No Future (5 minutes)
PragerU: There is no Apolitical Classroom (6 minutes)
Event Calendar
February 3, 2021
Union Township GOP meeting at Norlyn Manor in Batavia at 7 PM.
Becker – Vetted, Tested, and Proven!
“[State Rep. John Becker,] one of Ohio’s most conservative lawmakers…” proclaimed (October 2020).
“Clermont County State Rep. John Becker, one of the most conservative members of the Ohio House…” according to (August 2019).
Becker wins “Sponsor of Liberty” award by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (October 2018).
“Becker has a legitimate claim as the state’s most conservative legislator,” according to The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer (September 2017).
“Rep. John Becker, suburban Cincinnati Republican… [holds] the unofficial title as the General Assembly’s most conservative lawmaker,” proclaimed the Columbus Dispatch (September 2015).
Becker wins prestigious William Wilberforce Leadership Award (April 2015). “GOP Ohio House freshman Becker is no shrinking violet,” headlined the Columbus Dispatch (December 2014).
“Becker…is arguably the most conservative member of the Ohio House,” said The Cincinnati Enquirer (January 2014).
Ranked as a top tier “most archconservative” by the Columbus Dispatch (September 2013).
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Introduction (38 seconds) | Second Amendment (36 seconds) |
Taxes (49 seconds) | Energy (55 seconds) |
Pro-Life (42 seconds) | Creation Science and Evolution (42 sec.) |
State Government Spending (45 sec.) | State Government (37 seconds) |
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Nothing in this newsletter constitutes legal advice. I am not an attorney and do not play one on TV. This newsletter is not sanctioned by the GOP, ORP, or any organization, or affiliation. Much of it is simply my opinion. I am fully and solely responsible for my opinion. Although I strive for accuracy, this is not “The Gospel according to John.” Additionally, I don’t necessarily try to be “fair and balanced.” After all, I didn’t get into politics to be a news reporter. My agenda is to influence public policy consistent with Southern Ohio conservative values. For more information on my motivations or how to get involved, see: What is a Central Committee?