The Becker Report – June 2021
Becker Announces for Union Township (Clermont County) Trustee
Submits petition with maximum number of signatures allowed
UNION TOWNSHIP, CLERMONT COUNTY — State Representative John Becker (2013 – 2020) announced his candidacy for Union Township Trustee and submitted his petition to the Clermont County Board of Elections with the maximum number of signatures allowed.
As a State Representative, and since leaving the General Assembly due to term limits, Becker earned a reputation for standing up for the people and against the establishment. He earned multiple accolades for being “one of Ohio’s most conservative legislators” and a champion for liberty. As a trustee, Becker will be combining his eight years of experience in state government with his 30 years of financial expertise in the private sector to focus on controlling expenses, reducing the upward pressure on taxes, and putting the interests of the residents first.
“Property taxes are a problem for many, and for our senior citizens in particular,” Becker said.
His fiscal conservatism and financial expertise are what Union Township needs to right-size government.
Former Representative Becker was on the right side of the Miller Place issue. The overdevelopment threat and environmental impact to the Cincinnati Nature Center, that both incumbent trustees attempted to shove down the throats of the people, was described by Becker as follows:
As 40-year members of the Cincinnati Nature Center, my wife and I were appalled by the callous disregard that both incumbent trustees displayed for the residents of Union Township and for that beautiful sanctuary. In addition to literally standing with our neighbors at the township meetings against both incumbent trustees, we personally donated substantial funds to the Nature Center and the Committee to Protect Avey’s Way. Fortunately, the residents and the Cincinnati Nature Center were able to cobble together enough resources to hire legal counsel to successfully defend against both incumbent trustees.
In addition to overdevelopment in residential areas, Becker is also concerned about Union Township’s debt and its ability to weather the next recession.
When asked about his future political ambitions, Becker responded, “A lot of people want me to run for a higher office – much higher. That’s a possibility in the future. But for now, I am laser focused on Union Township and earning the vote of the people. That’s where my interests are and my commitment is.”
Why Not Becker for Governor?
If not Becker, then…?
Well, let’s start with the fact that I’ll take almost anybody over Governor DeWine. Furthermore, I will never vote for Mike DeWine again, for any office – ever. If the field is split and Governor DeWine wins the primary election, I will consider an independent, a write-in candidate, or I simply will not vote in that race in the general election.
Regarding a “Becker for Governor” campaign, I repeatedly said that if nobody of substance steps up to run for Governor, I will do it. That was my way of deferring to the “Buckley Doctrine.”
What is the “Buckley Doctrine”?
Some of you might remember conservative icon William F. Buckley Jr. (1925 – 2008).
According to National Review, “Way back in ’67, William F. Buckley Jr. told interviewer Bill Barry how to pick among candidates in a Republican primary: ‘I’d be for the most right, viable candidate who could win.‘” In other words, the “Buckley Doctrine” is to support the most conservative electable candidate.
Who is the most viable (electable) candidate?
Well, that’s a matter of opinion and I can offer mine based on my experience:
- Politically engaged since 1993.
- Worked on multiple political campaigns.
- Attended multiple campaign schools.
- Elected multiple times to the office of Republican State Central Committee (2004 – 2012).
- Elected multiple times to the office of State Representative (2013 – 2020).
There’s an old axiom in politics: “The abundance of money doesn’t guarantee victory, but the absence of money guarantees defeat.”
Why is money important? Isn’t a strong Facebook following and a slick website enough?
To be viable, a candidate for statewide office needs to be able to check a number of boxes. For example:
- Statewide name ID.
- Ability to assemble a statewide professional campaign staff.
- Ability to hire political consulting firms for polling, messaging, targeting voters, direct mail, phone banks, etc.
- Ability to rapidly travel the state.
- Ability to purchase production and substantial television and radio time in every media market.
- Competency to run a statewide campaign and to govern if elected.
- A strong following of loyal supporters.
All of that costs many millions of dollars. A viable candidate wouldn’t need to be able to outspend Governor DeWine, but would need enough money to reach every Republican voter multiple times and in multiple ways. These are among the reasons I will not be running for governor in 2022.
Is Jim Renacci the “most conservative viable candidate” to defeat Governor DeWine?
Well, at the present time, the short answer is yes. Frankly, it’s a no-brainer. However, other (perhaps more conservative and viable) candidates might still step up, but that is becoming increasingly unlikely.
It is important to note that Jim Renacci has agreed to drop out of the race and support any candidate who is more viable (electable) than he is. I respect that. Therefore, unless or until that happens, Jim Renacci is the candidate who meets the “Buckley Doctrine.”
What about Lieutenant Governor (LG)?
Similarly to a presidential candidate picking a VP, a gubernatorial candidate must also make a wise choice for LG. The traditional wisdom is so-called “balancing the ticket.” That means that the candidate will pick somebody that fills in the gaps in any perceived policy weaknesses or simply for geographic or demographic concerns.
Let’s take Jim Renacci for example: He is a white Catholic man from Northeastern Ohio. Policy issues aside, “balancing the ticket” would dictate that he select a non-Catholic woman of color from Southwestern Ohio. However, demographic and regional “balancing” are of dubious importance to Republican primary voters. Those voters are more interested in policy issues and Jim Renacci is widely perceived to be something less than a fire-breathing right-winger.
Why is it important for Jim Renacci to select a “fire-breathing right-winger” for LG?
Well, in his case, it’s imperative. His “charisma” isn’t going to be enough to drive turnout and get enough conservative Republicans out to vote. Jim Renacci has been on the defensive regarding his congressional voting record. That gives conservatives pause, and understandably so.
Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that he select an LG candidate who can throw “red meat” to the crowds and colorfully explain why Mike DeWine is more popular amongst Democrats than Republicans.
His LG choice will need to be the person who can deliver conservatives to Team Renacci.
What if Jim Renacci were to pick a so-called “moderate” for LG?
Governor DeWine will have unlimited funds to marginalize and bury Jim Renacci. If that happens, conservatives will be disenchanted and disengaged in the race. That will stifle turnout amongst conservatives and many Democrats are likely to crossover and vote in the Republican primary for Governor DeWine. What will Jim Renacci’s plan be to fire up the conservative base of the party and get them excited about him?
It was a eureka moment with Jim Renacci on June 29, 2021
After writing all of the above, I attended two meetings on June 29th where Jim Renacci was the keynote speaker. One of them was a small group meeting by invitation only. I was pleasantly surprised by the new things I learned about him. The details of what I learned are less important than the impression I walked away with.
Just to be flat-out honest here, my support for Jim Renacci had more to do with him being able to beat Governor DeWine than Renacci’s policies or conservative credentials. That said, the only thing that ever gave me pause was his voting record. He explained it all to my satisfaction. As a former legislator, I am able to relate to his explanations from that unique perspective.
After considering past conversations with him and watching him address tough questions, I’m now convinced that Jim Renacci is the real deal. He is a true fiscal conservative and a constitutionalist. He is honest and a straight shooter. He is pro-life and supports gun owner’s rights. What’s not to like here?
Private Citizen Affidavits (PCAs)
The September and October 2020 editions of The Becker Report explains much of the detail. The 25 counties that I know of where PCAs have been filed or delivered per ORC 2935.09(D) are: Adams, Allen, Ashtabula, Belmont. Brown, Butler, Clermont, Franklin, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Highland, Lake, Licking, Lorain, Marion, Miami, Montgomery, Pickaway, Richland, Summit, Union, Warren, Washington, and Wood Counties. Only 63 more to go!
The purpose of these is to seek out a judge or prosecutor willing to perform his clear legal duty as described in ORC 2935.10(A) and either issue an arrest warrant or launch an investigation into the charges outlined in the PCA against Governor DeWine.
Video Central
PragerU: What Is a Woman? (4 minutes)
PragerU: Overmedicated America (6 minutes)
Tucker Carlson Tonight: Surprise, surprise. Big tech censors another video (13 minutes)
Bill Whittle: Coerced Cowardice (15 minutes)
Dr. Steve Turley: The RETURN of TRUMP!!! (13 minutes)
President Trump Full Speech at Wellington, OH Rally 6/26/21 – FULL Quality (100 minutes)
PragerU: John Adams: American Founder and Second President (6 minutes)
BeckerGOP YouTube Channel
June 30, 2021 – The June 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
May 30, 2021 – The May 2021 issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
April 28, 2021 – The April 2021 issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
March 31, 2021 – The March 2021 issue of The Becker Report (14 minutes)
February 28, 2021 – The February 2021 issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
January 31, 2021 – The January 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
December 29, 2020 – The December issue of The Becker Report (2 minutes)
November 30, 2020 – The November issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
November 26, 2020 – Thanksgiving Day update – Private Citizen Affidavits filed/delivered in 20 counties (5 minutes)
November 12, 2020 – Governor DeWine Weaponizing the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (6 minutes)
November 2, 2020 – Vote Trump 2020 (7 minutes)
October 30, 2020 – October issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
October 26, 2020 – Becker Calls for the Resignation of AG Dave Yost and Files Motion for Sanctions in Twelfth District (4 minutes)
October 19, 2020 – Update on Impeachment, Private Citizen Affidavits, and Writ of Mandamus Against Governor DeWine (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 1 – Election Update – French and Kennedy – Ohio Supreme Court – Shea (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 2 – Governor DeWine Review – How did we get to where we are today? (6 minutes)
October 6, 2020 – Writ of Mandamus (8 minutes)
September 30, 2020 – The September issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
September 28, 2020 – Private Citizen Affidavit (2 minutes)
September 20, 2020 – Impeachment Update – Is Gov. DeWine Pro-Life? Is HB 272 “feel good” legislation? (12 minutes)
September 13, 2020 – Impeachment Update, with potential criminal charges, against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (19 minutes)
September 6, 2020 – Impeach DeWine Update (3 minutes)
August 31, 2020 The Becker Report – August 2020 (15 minutes)
August 29, 2020 – State Representative, John Becker speaking at the Unifying Ohio for Liberty rally (22 minutes)
August 27, 2020 – Update on impeachment (16 minutes)
August 24, 2020 – Introduction of the 10 Articles of Impeachment against Governor Mike DeWine (33 minutes)
Event Calendar
July 3, 2021
“Free” (paid for by your tax dollars) concert behind the Union Township Civic Center at 8 PM.
July 17, 2021
“Free” (paid for by your tax dollars) concert behind the Union Township Civic Center at 8 PM.
July 24, 2021
“Free” (paid for by your tax dollars) concert behind the Union Township Civic Center at 7 PM.
July 25 – July 31, 2021
Clermont County Fair
July 31, 2021
“Free” (paid for by your tax dollars) concert behind the Union Township Civic Center at 8 PM.
Becker – Vetted, Tested, and Proven!
“…John Becker, an ‘archconservative’ former state lawmaker from the Cincinnati area…” as described by (February 2021).
“[State Rep. John Becker,] one of Ohio’s most conservative lawmakers…” proclaimed (October 2020).
“Clermont County State Rep. John Becker, one of the most conservative members of the Ohio House…” according to (August 2019).
Becker wins “Sponsor of Liberty” award by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (October 2018).
“Becker has a legitimate claim as the state’s most conservative legislator,” according to The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer (September 2017).
“Rep. John Becker, suburban Cincinnati Republican… [holds] the unofficial title as the General Assembly’s most conservative lawmaker,” proclaimed the Columbus Dispatch (September 2015).
Becker wins prestigious William Wilberforce Leadership Award (April 2015). “GOP Ohio House freshman Becker is no shrinking violet,” headlined the Columbus Dispatch (December 2014).
“Becker…is arguably the most conservative member of the Ohio House,” said The Cincinnati Enquirer (January 2014).
Ranked as a top tier “most archconservative” by the Columbus Dispatch (September 2013).
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Introduction (38 seconds) | Second Amendment (36 seconds) |
Taxes (49 seconds) | Energy (55 seconds) |
Pro-Life (42 seconds) | Creation Science and Evolution (42 sec.) |
State Government Spending (45 sec.) | State Government (37 seconds) |
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Nothing in this newsletter constitutes legal advice. I am not an attorney and do not play one on TV. This newsletter is not sanctioned by the GOP, ORP, or any organization, or affiliation. Much of it is simply my opinion. I am fully and solely responsible for my opinion. Although I strive for accuracy, this is not “The Gospel according to John.” Additionally, I don’t necessarily try to be “fair and balanced.” After all, I didn’t get into politics to be a news reporter. My agenda is to influence public policy consistent with Southern Ohio conservative values. For more information on my motivations or how to get involved, see: What is a Central Committee?