The Becker Report – October 2023
Election Day: November 7
Vote NO on Issue 1 to protect women, parental rights, and the lives of pre-born babies.
Vote NO on Issue 2 to prevent the drug abuse problem from escalating.
Both of these issues were extensively covered in the September issue of The Becker Report.
Additional information follows:
I have been a practicing attorney in Ohio since 1978 and affiliated with two of Cincinnati’s largest law firms all that time. I graduated first in my law school class at the University of Cincinnati and have been included in the ‘Best Lawyers in America’ publication for well over a decade. I offer this not to brag, but to establish my credentials as an experienced lawyer to offer my views on the abortion amendment that is Issue 1.
A constitutional amendment is on the November ballot that would make abortion an Ohio constitutional right. That in itself would be a big deal because abortion has never been included in the Ohio Constitution since Ohio’s statehood in 1803.
The proponents of the abortion amendment have accused its pro-life opponents of lying about what the amendment actually does. They say the amendment nowhere expressly repeals parental consent laws, authorizes abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy, or allows your kids to make serious sexual decisions without parental notification before they are even old enough to sign a binding contract. They are correct in these assertions, but they lie nevertheless.
Why? Their proposed amendment is littered with poorly drafted language that opens the door to all the bad things the proponents piously disclaim. The amendment guarantees ‘every individual’ (including children) the right to make their own decisions on contraception, fertility treatment and abortion. So far, so good. But then it also says that those rights are ‘including but not limited to’ those subjects. What, then, are the limits when the amendment expressly says there are no limits?
Next, the amendment prohibits Ohio from “directly or indirectly” burdening or interfering with those “rights.” What does “indirectly” mean, and since the “rights” are “including but not limited to” those listed in the amendment, precisely what is the state prohibited from “directly or indirectly” interfering with? This would likely include any parental consent or notification requirement, any waiting period before abortion, any requirement that the woman have an ultrasound to prove it is a baby she is bearing, and any requirement that special needs infants not be aborted solely due to their disability.
Next, while the amendment says that abortion may be prohibited after “fetal viability” (generally, 20-22 weeks), it contains an exception through which a whole fleet of Mack Trucks could drive − because it says that even post-viability abortions are OK if the doctor says it’s necessary to protect the patient’s “health.” What is “health?” According to the U.S. Supreme Court in Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 192 (1973), “health” means “all factors- physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age.” So, “health” includes any reason at all that the doctor manufactures in order to get paid for the abortion.
If passed, this terrible amendment will legitimize abortion without limits and create rights, “including but not limited to” God knows what. It will invalidate any state law that burdens or interferes, “directly or indirectly,” with these “rights,” including parental consent laws, informed consent laws, and a host of others; and any state law that prohibits abortion after the baby can live outside the womb, whenever some profit-motivated abortion doctor says the “mother’s health” would allow such practices.
I understand the angst that some feel over the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. But the proposed amendment goes further than Roe ever went. In including words like “including but not limited to” and “directly or indirectly,” the abortionists are trying to trick you into authorizing infanticide on demand.
Bill Seitz, The Cincinnati Enquirer, October 15, 2023
Ohio would be a state for unlimited and unfettered abortion rights, through the ninth month, for any child without parental knowledge or consent.
John Becker
Summary and conclusions of Issue 1 ballot language
- “Individual” includes all children regardless of age.
- “Reproductive medical treatment” includes dangerous cross-sex hormones, puberty-blocking drugs, and/or surgical alterations to reproductive organs.
- Constitutional amendments supersede any and all state laws to the contrary.
- “Legal protections for any person” who “assists a person with receiving reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion” includes rapists and pedophiles who “assist” with abortions and/or sex change treatments and surgeries. Being as liberal courts would see pedophiles as a vulnerable at-risk minority deserving protection, this would be the Perfect Pervert Protection Plan.
- Ohio’s current regulations for the sanitary, health, and safety of abortion clinics would be “directly or indirectly burdening, penalizing, or prohibiting abortion” and therefore unconstitutional.
- Protections for pregnant mothers (e.g., hospital admitting privileges) would be considered to be “directly or indirectly burdening, penalizing, or prohibiting abortion” and therefore unconstitutional.
- Ohio’s parental notification law would be nullified because it directly or indirectly burdens, penalizes, or prohibits an “individual” child from getting an abortion.
- The word “viable” is included as a red herring in an attempt to fool voters into believing that it has some relevance. The “health” exception ensures that it does not.
- “Physician” is not defined. A licensed medical doctor (MD) is not specified.
- The abortionist would determine when a “health” exception exists allowing the pregnant mother (including an “individual” child) to abort at anytime including the day of delivery.
- The “health” exception allows partial birth abortion.
- The “health” exception includes psychological, emotional, social, and financial “health” (perhaps including a bad hair day.)
- Abortions and sex change treatments would be enshrined in Ohio’s constitution as an unfettered right for all “individuals” including children. Parental knowledge and consent laws would be unconstitutional.
- Taxpayers will pay the bills.
- A liberal court would not limit themselves. Plan on creative interpretations and changing the meanings of common words.
- The Ohio Supreme Court is just one election cycle away from flipping to a liberal majority.
- By following the science of DNA and chromosomes, we know with metaphysical certitude that a preborn child, at every stage of development, is an innocent, defenseless, and voiceless human being with great potential.
The official full Issue 1 ballot text of the proposed constitutional amendment is here:
The official “Argument and Explanation in Opposition to Issue 1” is here:
Issue 2
Vote NO. Just say NO to drugs! (Vote NO is endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party and the Clermont County Republican Party.)
The official full Issue 2 ballot text of the proposed legislation is here:—08-24-23.pdf
The official “Argument and Explanation in Opposition to Issue 2” is here:
According to the FDA, “Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”
Examples: Heroin, LSD, marijuana, ecstasy, and GHB (date rape drug).
Like heroin and LSD, marijuana is a schedule I drug and is illegal for any purpose, including medical.
Marijuana is well known to be a gateway drug to more addictive and deadly drugs. Furthermore, the perceived societal acceptance and advertisements for drug paraphernalia sends the wrong message to our children.
In the 1980s, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content was about three to four percent. Today’s pot is 10x and 20x more potent.
Regardless of Ohio law, marijuana in any form and for any purpose is illegal under federal law.
Ask yourself this question: If Issue 2 passes, will drug addiction be a greater or lesser problem in Ohio?
John Becker
Israel at War
When the death of every Jew is the non-negotiable condition for peace, they will fight until the end of time or until the last man is standing.
John Becker
• Abram, who later became Abraham, was the first Jew. This is documented in Genesis 12 and 17.
• Both the Old Testament and the New Testament is a history of the Jewish people in the land of Israel. The effort to erase the Jewish presence in the Holy Land is also an effort to erase the Christian scriptures.
• Jerusalem, the City of David, was the center of Jewish life in biblical times, and has never been the capital of any nation other than Israel.
• The Roman emperor Hadrian brutally crushed a Jewish revolt in 135 AD, dispersing Jews all over the region. Islam would not exist for another 500 years.
• There has never been a nation called, “Palestine.” Palaestina was the Roman name assigned to the conquered province of Judea and the land Jews lived in.
• In 1948, Scripture was fulfilled with the return of the Jewish people to their biblical homeland and the creation of the modern state of Israel.
• Ever since 1948, Israel has had to repeatedly defend itself against virtually every “neighbor” in the region to prevent the destruction of the only Jewish nation in the world. (There are nearly 50 majority-Muslim nations in the world.) Among these conflicts are the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Sinai War (1956), Six Day War (1967), the Yom Kippur War (1973), the First Lebanon War (1982) and the Second Lebanon War (2006).
• In 2005, under severe international pressure, Israel withdrew from Gaza, which it won in the 1967 Six Day War. Israel “disengaged” from Gaza under the mistaken belief that it would advance peace in the region.
• In 2006, the Palestinian people elected Hamas as their government. Divisions with the ruling Fatah Party, however, caused Hamas to break off and violently seize control of Gaza the following year.
• Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist, and is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and other nations. For the last 18 years, Israel has suffered repeated attacks from Hamas terrorists operating in Gaza.
• Today, Israel faces Iranian-trained terrorists in Gaza, the Iranian proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Iranian regime itself, which is building nuclear weapons.
• Iran’s leaders have repeatedly promised to destroy Israel. The attack on October 7, 2023, killed more than 1,300 Israelis, the proportional equivalent of the United States losing approximately 40,000 civilians in one day.
Having both the long form and short form overviews of what has occurred across such an expanse of history, we know that Israel is not the aggressor in this conflict.
There are those on the other side who are intently trying to confuse us about the accuracy of these facts…to flip the script, point the finger at Israel and justify vicious attacks with the ultimate goal of wiping the Jewish people from this earth.
We stand resolute with the nation and people of Israel and send our most passionate prayers up over their safety. Our own nation needs to know these truths, and the Church Finds Its Voice Coalition and Standing With Coalition are grateful to each of you for sharing them.
Gary Bauer’s End of Day Report, October 21, 2023
Hamas has a history of militarizing civilian institutions. When a rocket launcher is atop a school, day care center, or hospital, that building becomes a legitimate military target. Resulting civilian casualties are war crimes and Hamas is fully and solely responsible.
Ask yourself this question: If we were at war with Russia, China, North Korea, and/or Iran, would any of them go out of their way to avoid our civilian institutions? How has that been working out for the Ukrainians? What happened in New York on September 11, 2001?
John Becker
COVID-19 Vaccine Found in Dead People: Study
Florida surgeon general slams new mRNA COVID shot push as ‘anti-human’
Former police detective claims half of SIDS cases occurred within 48 hours after vaccination
Study shows COVID-19 vaccines more likely to cause deaths than to save lives
Israeli boy featured in COVID vaccine campaign dies of heart attack at age 8
8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID Vaccines Dies of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Union Township Update
In addition to police and fire/EMS jobs available, the Fire Chief and Township Planner positions are also open.
What can you find at the Union Township Civic Center?
- US Post Office
- US Congressman Brad Wenstrup’s office
- Union Township Zoning office
- Meeting rooms available for UT residents to reserve
- Gymnasium available for UT residents to reserve
- Amphitheater for concerts, plays, and available for UT residents to reserve
- Farmers Market every Friday from 4 -7 PM during the summer and early fall
- West Clermont School’s administrative office
- Senior Services office
- Friendly people who serve the public with a smile
Call 513-752-1741 or visit for more information
Union Township welcomes new and growing businesses
Some of the below are pending trustee approval:
- Mercy Health has broken ground for an urgent care center in the Jungle Jim’s parking lot in front of LaRosa’s. They’ll soon be repairing “broken” bones, skin, and more.
- Children’s Hospital had their ceremonial ground breaking and has begun construction in the Ivy Pointe area near TQL. Our concerns have been “healed.”
- Inter Parish Ministry has a new food pantry that is now open for business across from Gold Star Chili in Mt. Carmel. It’s expected to be a “full-filling” experience.
- Chase Bank will be relocating their Eastgate location on December 18 to 4611 Eastgate Blvd near Big Lots. They are hoping to “cash-in” on the move.
- Wawa will be taking over the old Mt. Carmel Kroger location. Rah-rah to Wawa for taking over a shuttered business.
- Alfaa will be building on an empty lot on the corner of Aicholtz Road and Eastgate Blvd. I’m wondering if they sell alfalfa sprouts?
- A local restaurant chain will be constructing a new location as part of a small strip mall on the corner of SR 32 and Mt. Carmel Tobasco Road on Yates Lane. I expect them to be rolling in dough soon.
- The old Valero on the corner of Ohio Pike and Bennett Road is under new ownership. They will be tearing down the old building and constructing a new convenience and wine store. The previous condition of the property was certainly something to whine about.
- Popshelf is planning a new location in the Cherry Grove Shopping Plaza. I’m looking forward to “popping” in.
- Mercy Health Urgent Care will be caring for patients when their new location opens in the Cherry Grove Shopping Plaza. I’ll be “patient” while I await their grand opening.
- Grocery Outlet is planning a new store in the old Bed, Bath, and Beyond location in the Eastgate Pavilion near Best Buy. They are expecting to “produce” profits.
- A Hilton Hotel has been perpetually under construction near the Hampton Inn and Meijer’s. They have made certain “accommodations” and residents can “sleep well” knowing that construction has recommenced.
- Construction is on-going at the Glen Este Chick-fil-A to improve and expand their restaurant and drive through lanes. No more playing “chicken” in the two merging drive through lanes. Now that’s something to “cluck” about.
- Vandalia Rental is “gearing up” to move into the old Ohio Mulch location on Mt. Carmel Tobasco Road near the Days Inn.
- Kay Jewelers is looking at a “golden” opportunity to locate a store near Sportsman’s Warehouse.
- Panda Express is looking to raze the car wash next to the Union Township library and build a new location there. It’s an “appetizing” venture.
- Honda East will be “shifting gears” to “rev up” sales by expanding their operations in Cherry Grove. They might “tire,” “brake,” and “shock” you, but they are “on a roll.” Wouldn’t it be nice if they offered free samples?
- PetSuites is “grooming” a new location on Old SR 74 next to Office Max. The lot has been cleared and is ready to begin construction.
- TQL will be adding an additional 1,000 jobs at its sprawling UT campus. The new southern wing will look similar to their recently added northern wing. The project is “trucking” along. “Total Quality” will be a “Logistic” requirement.
- Kroger has “crushing” plans to demolish Sears and build a new 123,722 square foot Kroger Marketplace store detached from the mall. The store will include a Starbucks, drive through pharmacy, expanded deli, expanded bakery, a Murray Cheese section, sushi, expanded adult beverage section, apparel, home goods, expanded grocery section, and a Kroger fuel center with 18 fuel pumps. The fuel will be on the recently shuttered Wendy’s side of the parking lot. The northeast side of the store will have a parking area for on-line pickup. The current Kroger store on Eastgate Boulevard will likely close in coordination with opening the new Kroger Marketplace store.
- Outback Steakhouse will be “firing up” a new restaurant near Meijer’s where the old Starbucks and a video store used to be. Construction has begun. The “stakes” could be high and profits are expected to “sizzle.”
- Taco John’s is planning to build a new restaurant near the Sam’s Club fuel pumps near Steak n Shake. We didn’t “grill” them at the Trustee’s meeting.
Union Township Trustees Meeting Video
October 24, 2023
October 10, 2023
September 12, 2023
August 22, 2023
August 8, 2023
July 25, 2023
July 11, 2023
June 22, 2023
June 13, 2023
May 9, 2023
April 25, 2023
April 11 2023
March 14, 2023
February 28, 2023
February 14, 2023
January 10, 2023
January 3, 2023
Union Township Trustee
Vote Michael Logue for Union Township Trustee
Michael Logue is in his fourth year as a Union Township Trustee. He and I have served together for nearly two years now. Along with Joe Dills, the three of us have become a cohesive team.
During that time, I’ve found Trustee Logue to be a man of honor, integrity, intellect, and substance. Mr. Logue enjoys my personal endorsement and full support. You can volunteer here.

Event Calendar
Disclaimer: All events, locations, and times are subject to change.
October 31
Halloween from 6 – 8 PM.
November 4
Turn clocks back one hour at 2:00 AM
November 7
Election Day from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM.
November 11
Veteran’s Day.
November 13
AMT meeting at Eastgate Mall food court at 6:30 PM.
November 14
Union Township Trustees meeting at the Civic Center at 6 PM.
November 15
Clermont County GOP meeting at HQ in Batavia at 7 PM.
November 16
Clermont County Township Assn. meeting in Williamsburg at 6:00 PM.
Video Central
Victor Davis Hanson: “The Worst President in the Last 100 Years” (8 minutes)
Don’t Walk, RUN! Clueless Congressman “Confused” by a Fire Alarm (12 minutes)
Don’t Walk, RUN! Why Does This Woman Have $528,000 in Student Debt?!? (15 minutes)
Don’t Walk, RUN! Joe Biden Called a 55 Year Old Black Man “Boy.” (I Know; You’re Shocked) (5 minutes)
Don’t Walk, RUN! MISSION FAILED!! (10 minutes)
Israel, Gun Control, Open Borders, and Your Gun Rights (30 minutes)
Legal Explanation of Issue 1 (10 minutes)
Mark Levin and Brent Bozell Talk Israel, the Left’s Anti-Semitism, the Anti-American Media and More (30 minutes)
Don’t Walk, RUN! Joe Biden and the Suspicious $200,000 “Loan Repayment” – EXPLAINED! (11 minutes)
PragerU: NewsGuard: Fact-Checkers with Too Much Power (5 minutes)
PragerU: Zionism: Why All the Controversy? (5 minutes)
PragerU: Title IX: When a Good Law Turns Bad (6 minutes)
Don’t Walk, RUN! FAKE NEWS. AGAIN. (12 minutes)
BeckerGOP YouTube Channel
Presentations and discussions at the Union Township Trustee meetings
Concealed Carry Part 1 – January 11, 2022 (9 minutes)
Concealed Carry Part 2 – February 8, 2022 (12 minutes)
Union Township Debt Presentation – March 8, 2022 (10 minutes) Slides
Union Township Property Tax Distributions – April 12, 2022 (7 minutes) Slides
Union Township 2021 Financials – May 10, 2022 (14 minutes) Slides
Union Township 2021 Expenses Deep Dive – June 14, 2022 (14 minutes) Slides
Union Township First Half 2022 Financials – July 12, 2022 (13 minutes) Slides
Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) – July 12, 2022 (10 minutes)
UT Concert Series – August 9, 2022 (5 minutes)
Natural Gas Aggregation Discussion – September 13, 2022 (9 minutes)
Cost of 2022 Concert Series and Fireworks – September 13, 2022 (14 minutes)
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Board of Trustees Discussion (38 minutes)
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Public and Board of Trustees Discussion (100 minutes)
Medical Marijuana Six Month Moratorium (12 minutes)
Board Discussion: Meeting Rules (36 minutes)
The Becker Report Video Archives
October 29, 2023 – The October edition of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
September 29, 2023 – The September edition of The Becker Report (15 minutes)
August 30, 2023 – The August edition of The Becker Report (5 minutes)
July 29, 2023 – The July edition of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
June 29, 2023 – The June edition of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
May 30 2023 – The May 2023 edition of The Becker Report (9 minutes)
April 29, 2023 – The April issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
March 30, 2023 – The March 2023 issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
February 26, 2023 – The February 2023 issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
January 29, 2023 – The January 2023 issue of The Becker Report (5 minutes)
December 30, 2022 – The December issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
November 29, 2022 – The November issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
October 30, 2022 – The October issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
September 29, 2022 – The September issue of The Becker Report (27 minutes)
August 29, 2022 – The August issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
July 29, 2022 – The July issue of The Becker Report (28 minutes)
June 29, 2022 – The June issue of The Becker Report (28 minutes)
May 28, 2022 – The May 2022 issue of The Becker Report (17 minutes)
April 30, 2022 – The April 2022 issue of The Becker Report (13 minutes)
March 27, 2022 – The March 2022 issue of The Becker Report (12 minutes)
February 28, 2022 – The February 2022 issue of The Becker Report (24 minutes)
January 29, 2022 – The January 2022 issue of The Becker Report (9 minutes)
December 29, 2021 – The December issue of The Becker Report (5 minutes)
November 28, 2021 – The November issue of The Becker Report (13 minutes)
October 30, 2021 – The October issue of The Becker Report (2 minutes)
September 26, 2021 – The September issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
August 29, 2021 – The August issue of The Becker Report (11 minutes)
July 28, 2021 – The July issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
June 30, 2021 – The June 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
May 30, 2021 – The May 2021 issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
April 28, 2021 – The April 2021 issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
March 31, 2021 – The March 2021 issue of The Becker Report (14 minutes)
February 28, 2021 – The February 2021 issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
January 31, 2021 – The January 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
December 29, 2020 – The December issue of The Becker Report (2 minutes)
November 30, 2020 – The November issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
November 26, 2020 – Thanksgiving Day update – Private Citizen Affidavits filed/delivered in 20 counties (5 minutes)
November 12, 2020 – Governor DeWine Weaponizing the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (6 minutes)
November 2, 2020 – Vote Trump 2020 (7 minutes)
October 30, 2020 – October issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
October 26, 2020 – Becker Calls for the Resignation of AG Dave Yost and Files Motion for Sanctions in Twelfth District (4 minutes)
October 19, 2020 – Update on Impeachment, Private Citizen Affidavits, and Writ of Mandamus Against Governor DeWine (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 1 – Election Update – French and Kennedy – Ohio Supreme Court – Shea (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 2 – Governor DeWine Review – How did we get to where we are today? (6 minutes)
October 6, 2020 – Writ of Mandamus (8 minutes)
September 30, 2020 – The September issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
September 28, 2020 – Private Citizen Affidavit (2 minutes)
September 20, 2020 – Impeachment Update – Is Gov. DeWine Pro-Life? Is HB 272 “feel good” legislation? (12 minutes)
September 13, 2020 – Impeachment Update, with potential criminal charges, against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (19 minutes)
September 6, 2020 – Impeach DeWine Update (3 minutes)
August 31, 2020 The Becker Report – August 2020 (15 minutes)
August 29, 2020 – State Representative, John Becker speaking at the Unifying Ohio for Liberty rally (22 minutes)
August 27, 2020 – Update on impeachment (16 minutes)
August 24, 2020 – Introduction of the 10 Articles of Impeachment against Governor Mike DeWine (33 minutes)
Becker – Vetted, Tested, and Proven!
“…John Becker, an ‘archconservative’ former state lawmaker from the Cincinnati area…” as described by (February 2021).
“[State Rep. John Becker,] one of Ohio’s most conservative lawmakers…” proclaimed (October 2020).
“Clermont County State Rep. John Becker, one of the most conservative members of the Ohio House…” according to (August 2019).
Becker wins “Sponsor of Liberty” award by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (October 2018).
“Becker has a legitimate claim as the state’s most conservative legislator,” according to The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer (September 2017).
“Rep. John Becker, suburban Cincinnati Republican… [holds] the unofficial title as the General Assembly’s most conservative lawmaker,” proclaimed the Columbus Dispatch (September 2015).
Becker wins prestigious William Wilberforce Leadership Award (April 2015).
“GOP Ohio House freshman Becker is no shrinking violet,” headlined the Columbus Dispatch (December 2014).
“Becker…is arguably the most conservative member of the Ohio House,” said The Cincinnati Enquirer (January 2014).
Ranked as a top tier “most archconservative” by the Columbus Dispatch (September 2013).
If you prefer to donate online, please click this link or one of my donate buttons at
Introduction (38 seconds) | Second Amendment (36 seconds) |
Taxes (49 seconds) | Energy (55 seconds) |
Pro-Life (42 seconds) | Creation Science and Evolution (42 sec.) |
State Government Spending (45 sec.) | State Government (37 seconds) |
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Nothing in this newsletter constitutes legal advice. I am not an attorney and do not play one on TV. This newsletter is not sanctioned by the GOP, ORP, or any organization, or affiliation. Much of it is simply my opinion. I am fully and solely responsible for my opinion. Although I strive for accuracy, this is not “The Gospel according to John.” Additionally, I don’t necessarily try to be “fair and balanced.” After all, I didn’t get into politics to be a news reporter. My agenda is to influence public policy consistent with Southern Ohio conservative values. For more information on my motivations or how to get involved, see: What is a Central Committee?