January 4, 1999
The Community Press
Dear Editor:
After reading “Christ’s Trials Remembered” (December 23, 1998), one could argue that Priscilla O’Donnell has
shocked the conscience of Christianity.
She referred to Christ’s crucifixion as “… the story of the temporary triumph of evil over good.” She goes on to say
that, “Ever since then Christians have been called upon to fight the battle
over and over again.”
Christ’s death was the blood atonement for our sins. The crucifixion was not a triumph of evil, temporary or
Furthermore, we have not “been called upon to fight the battle over and over again”, as O’Donnell asserts. We
are helpless on our own against Satan’s power. Only the power of Jesus Christ
can overcome evil.
O’Donnell went on to state that “The parallels between Christianity and the central tenets of the Democratic
philosophy are manifest.” She mentioned school lunches, Head Start, public
education, Social Security, and Medicare.
All of these programs have one thing in common: The government forcibly confiscates (under penalty of law) the
resources of one group of people and hands them over to another who may or may
not need them. Is that Christianity?
Jesus expects us to help those in need. We as individuals are to choose how to help. Options include financial
contributions to the Red Cross, United Way, or others. Or working in soup
kitchens. This is the Christian way and it squares with the central tenets of
the Republican Party. Lower taxes frees up more time and money for us to help
those in need without bureaucratic government interference. Jesus never
suggested that the government should take this responsibility (charitable
giving) away from the people or the churches.
Does Jesus Christ approve of the central tenets of the Democratic Party,
as O’Donnell seems to think? Would Jesus be in favor of child
pornography or pornographic “art”? Would He be in favor of
homosexuality? (The
King James Bible calls homosexuality an abomination. See Leviticus
20:13; Romans 1:26, 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; 1 Timothy 1:9, 10; and
Jude 7.)
Would He be in favor of handing out condoms in schools in place of
tracts? Would He be in favor of abortion for any reason? The Democratic
leadership even favors partial-birth abortions through the ninth month
for any
reason including sex selection. Furthermore, they want to take our tax
to pay for it. Would Jesus Christ be in favor of these things that the
Democratic Party leadership has been fighting for?
The Democratic leadership thinks that the First Amendment to the United
States Constitution allows for these atrocities. Would George
Washington or Thomas Jefferson think so? No, but Larry Flynt and his
Democrats sure do.
O’Donnell crossed the line from outrage to insult when she drew parallels between the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ and the impeachment of President Clinton. Clinton has disgraced himself,
his family, his party, his office, and our country. He doesn’t even have the
dignity to resign.
Bill Clinton seems to be the Al Capone of politics. The government could
only convict Capone (a notorious gangster) of income tax
evasion. Likewise, Congress has only been able to impeach Clinton on
and obstruction of justice. However, Ken Starr is still investigating
other numerous scandals.
The Democratic Party leadership has chosen to stand in the gutter with their president. Could this be “guilt by association”?
Clinton should be removed from office, prosecuted in a criminal court and (if found guilty) sentenced to five years in a federal
penitentiary. This is what any other unrepentant perjurer would face. Why
should Clinton be held to a lower standard?
John E. Becker