The Becker Report – August 2022
President Biden Transfers Student Loan Debt to the Taxpayers
Slap in the face to all who avoided or paid off debt

I graduated from college with $10,000 in student loan debt. Was I a fool to pay that off?
My wife was an overachiever who earned scholarships and worked her way through college to avoid college debt. Was she a fool to work hard and to be fiscally responsible?
My son chose not to go to college. He is now one of the many taxpayers who will be saddled with between $300 billion and $500 billion in other people’s debts.
My wife and I paid the entire cost of our daughter’s college expenses. Were we suckers to do that? What were we thinking???
Note to President Biden: In the name of fairness, please reimburse my family $40,000 for college expenses either paid or foregone.
After penning the above, I found this from the Heritage Foundation: Biden’s ‘Forgiveness’ of Student Loan Debt Isn’t Just a Bailout. It’s a Slap in the Face.
And this: Thanks to Biden, Americans Who Never Attended College Still Have to Pay for It
Or is the total cost closer to $1 trillion?
Consider this report from the Penn Wharton budget modelers.
More on Gun Control
Good guy with a gun wins again. Florida Man With Concealed Firearm Kills Gunman Who Threatened To “Shoot Up The Crowd”
From the Ohio Star: Commentary: Defensive Gun Uses in Month of July Show Protective Benefits of Second Amendment
More on Covid
How is it working out for the “unvaccinated? Medical study shows unvaccinated have stronger immunity than vaccinated after eight months
Could Covid vaccines cause cancer? Gov’t database reveals 10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines
What good is the Covid vaccine? New story suggests COVID vaccines may actually increase chances of Omicron infection
Trouble in paradise? Dr. Robert Malone: Public health officials are turning on each other as COVID hysteria withers away
CDC’s data verifies that masks are virtually useless.
Union Township Update
Union Township welcomes new and growing businesses
TQL will be adding an additional 1,000 jobs at its sprawling UT campus. The Board of Trustees has approved TQL’s new construction plans. The new southern wing will look similar to their recently added northern wing.
Kroger: The Union Township Board of Trustees approved Kroger’s plans to demolish Sears and build a new 123,722 square foot Kroger Marketplace store detached from the mall. The store will include a Starbucks, drive through pharmacy, expanded deli, expanded bakery, a Murray Cheese section, sushi, expanded adult beverage section, apparel, home goods, expanded grocery section, and a Kroger fuel center with 18 fuel pumps. The fuel will be on the Wendy’s side of the parking lot. The northeast side of the store will have a parking area for on-line pickup. The current Kroger store on Eastgate Boulevard will likely close sometime next year in coordination with opening the new Kroger Marketplace store.
The Mt. Carmel Kroger store has closed.
Sportsman’s Warehouse is planning a “soft opening” September 8 and an official “grand opening” September 15. They are in the process of moving into the old Stein Mart location in the shopping center across from Jungle Jim’s.
Outback Steakhouse is planning a new restaurant near Meijer’s where the old Starbucks and a video store used to be. Demolition is expected this fall. Construction is scheduled for winter and the grand opening is planned for early 2023.
Take 5 Oil Change will be building on the site of an old shuttered Wendy’s near the corner of Ohio Pike and Nine Mile Road.
Biggby Coffee will build a new location in Meijer’s parking lot near the current Chase Bank location. Due to upcoming road construction, Chase Bank will be closing and potentially rebuilding in the immediate area.
Kenwood Bible Methodist Church has purchased Summerside United Methodist Church. They are doing some remodeling and upgrades. Look for worship services to begin soon.
Union Township Restaurant visits
Mission Accomplished!
I have fulfilled my campaign promise to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, or get carryout at EVERY restaurant in Union Township. In addition to the 102 traditional restaurants and cafe’s, I’ve also patronized a few specialty eateries like coffee, doughnut, dessert shops, and fish fries.
None of the expenses related to any of this are from government or campaign funds. They are entirely out of my own pocket.
The below is (to the best of my knowledge) the complete list of restaurants. (Let me know if I missed any.) Additionally, the list also includes a few eateries such as food trucks, fish fries, and bakeries. My wife and I developed a rating system ranked as Outstanding, Best, Better, and Good. These ratings are very highly subjective and mostly based on one experience. Expectations were a key factor.

The following list is summarized from the above. These are the best in Union Township. Again, my wife and I used highly subjective criteria. Our judgements were typically based on one experience and expectations were key. They are sorted alphabetically within the categories of “outstanding” and “best.”

Event Calendar
September 2
Farmers Market at the Union Township Civic Center – 4::00 PM to 7:00 PM.
September 3
“Free” concert featuring “Billy Rock Band” behind the Union Township Civic Center beginning at 8 PM.
September 6
Union Township Republican Party meeting at 7 PM at the UT Civic Center.
September 8
Sportsman’s Warehouse “soft opening.”
September 9
Farmers Market at the Union Township Civic Center – 4::00 PM to 7:00 PM.
September 13
Union Township Trustees meeting at the Civic Center at 6 PM.
September 15
Sportsman’s Warehouse “grand opening.”
September 15
Clermont County Engineer’s annual meeting at 6:00 PM at the Fairgrounds in Owensville.
September 16
Farmers Market at the Union Township Civic Center – 4::00 PM to 7:00 PM.
September 18
Friends of Liberty United (FOLU) first annual picnic at Clepper Park, Shelter A, from 1 PM – 4 PM.
September 20
Stop the Mandates meeting at the Union Township Civic Center at 7 PM.
September 21
Clermont County Republican Central Committee meeting at 7:00 PM at HQ in Batavia.
September 23
Farmers Market at the Union Township Civic Center – 4::00 PM to 7:00 PM.
September 24
Clermont County GOP First Annual Pancake Breakfast from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Oasis.
September 24
UT end of summer celebration with “Touch a Truck” in Crossroads Church parking lot beginning at 4:30 PM. Fireworks begins at 8:30 PM.
September 26
Friends of Liberty United (FOLU) meeting at House of Restoration Church 1487 SR 131, Milford at 7:00 PM
September 30
Farmers Market at the Union Township Civic Center – 4::00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Video Central
PragerU: Why the Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions (5 minutes)
PragerU: The Great Thomas Sowell (5 minutes)
Dr. Malone: 29,790 Official Deaths Linked to Vaccine in VAERS Likely a Tiny Fraction of True Number (Part 1) (37 minutes)
Dr. Malone: mRNA Vaccines’ Correlation With a Rise in All-Cause Mortality (Part 2) (19 minutes)
PragerU: The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam (5 minutes)
PragerU: Writing the Constitution: Miracle in Philadelphia (5 minutes)
PragerU: Is America Losing Its Mind? (5 minutes)
PragerU: George Washington: A General Without An Army (6 minutes)
BeckerGOP YouTube Channel
John Becker’s presentations at the Union Township Trustee meetings
Concealed Carry Part 1 – January 11, 2022 (9 minutes)
Concealed Carry Part 2 – February 8, 2022 (12 minutes)
Union Township Debt Presentation – March 8, 2022 (10 minutes) Slides
Union Township Property Tax Distributions – April 12, 2022 (7 minutes) Slides
Union Township 2021 Financials – May 10, 2022 (14 minutes) Slides
Union Township 2021 Expenses Deep Dive – June 14, 2022 (14 minutes) Slides
Union Township First Half 2022 Financials – July 12, 2022 (13 minutes) Slides
Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) – July 12, 2022 (10 minutes)
UT Concert Series – August 9, 2022 (5 minutes)
The Becker Report Video Archives
August 29, 2022 – The August issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
July 29, 2022 – The July issue of The Becker Report (28 minutes)
June 29, 2022 – The June issue of The Becker Report (28 minutes)
May 28, 2022 – The May 2022 issue of The Becker Report (17 minutes)
April 30, 2022 – The April 2022 issue of The Becker Report (13 minutes)
March 27, 2022 – The March 2022 issue of The Becker Report (12 minutes)
February 28, 2022 – The February 2022 issue of The Becker Report (24 minutes)
January 29, 2022 – The January 2022 issue of The Becker Report (9 minutes)
December 29, 2021 – The December issue of The Becker Report (5 minutes)
November 28, 2021 – The November issue of The Becker Report (13 minutes)
October 30, 2021 – The October issue of The Becker Report (2 minutes)
September 26, 2021 – The September issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
August 29, 2021 – The August issue of The Becker Report (11 minutes)
July 28, 2021 – The July issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
June 30, 2021 – The June 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
May 30, 2021 – The May 2021 issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
April 28, 2021 – The April 2021 issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
March 31, 2021 – The March 2021 issue of The Becker Report (14 minutes)
February 28, 2021 – The February 2021 issue of The Becker Report (6 minutes)
January 31, 2021 – The January 2021 issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
December 29, 2020 – The December issue of The Becker Report (2 minutes)
November 30, 2020 – The November issue of The Becker Report (4 minutes)
November 26, 2020 – Thanksgiving Day update – Private Citizen Affidavits filed/delivered in 20 counties (5 minutes)
November 12, 2020 – Governor DeWine Weaponizing the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (6 minutes)
November 2, 2020 – Vote Trump 2020 (7 minutes)
October 30, 2020 – October issue of The Becker Report (8 minutes)
October 26, 2020 – Becker Calls for the Resignation of AG Dave Yost and Files Motion for Sanctions in Twelfth District (4 minutes)
October 19, 2020 – Update on Impeachment, Private Citizen Affidavits, and Writ of Mandamus Against Governor DeWine (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 1 – Election Update – French and Kennedy – Ohio Supreme Court – Shea (5 minutes)
October 12, 2020 – Columbus Day Part 2 – Governor DeWine Review – How did we get to where we are today? (6 minutes)
October 6, 2020 – Writ of Mandamus (8 minutes)
September 30, 2020 – The September issue of The Becker Report (3 minutes)
September 28, 2020 – Private Citizen Affidavit (2 minutes)
September 20, 2020 – Impeachment Update – Is Gov. DeWine Pro-Life? Is HB 272 “feel good” legislation? (12 minutes)
September 13, 2020 – Impeachment Update, with potential criminal charges, against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (19 minutes)
September 6, 2020 – Impeach DeWine Update (3 minutes)
August 31, 2020 The Becker Report – August 2020 (15 minutes)
August 29, 2020 – State Representative, John Becker speaking at the Unifying Ohio for Liberty rally (22 minutes)
August 27, 2020 – Update on impeachment (16 minutes)
August 24, 2020 – Introduction of the 10 Articles of Impeachment against Governor Mike DeWine (33 minutes)
Becker – Vetted, Tested, and Proven!
“…John Becker, an ‘archconservative’ former state lawmaker from the Cincinnati area…” as described by (February 2021).
“[State Rep. John Becker,] one of Ohio’s most conservative lawmakers…” proclaimed (October 2020).
“Clermont County State Rep. John Becker, one of the most conservative members of the Ohio House…” according to (August 2019).
Becker wins “Sponsor of Liberty” award by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio (October 2018).
“Becker has a legitimate claim as the state’s most conservative legislator,” according to The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer (September 2017).
“Rep. John Becker, suburban Cincinnati Republican… [holds] the unofficial title as the General Assembly’s most conservative lawmaker,” proclaimed the Columbus Dispatch (September 2015).
Becker wins prestigious William Wilberforce Leadership Award (April 2015).
“GOP Ohio House freshman Becker is no shrinking violet,” headlined the Columbus Dispatch (December 2014).
“Becker…is arguably the most conservative member of the Ohio House,” said The Cincinnati Enquirer (January 2014).
Ranked as a top tier “most archconservative” by the Columbus Dispatch (September 2013).
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Introduction (38 seconds) | Second Amendment (36 seconds) |
Taxes (49 seconds) | Energy (55 seconds) |
Pro-Life (42 seconds) | Creation Science and Evolution (42 sec.) |
State Government Spending (45 sec.) | State Government (37 seconds) |
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Nothing in this newsletter constitutes legal advice. I am not an attorney and do not play one on TV. This newsletter is not sanctioned by the GOP, ORP, or any organization, or affiliation. Much of it is simply my opinion. I am fully and solely responsible for my opinion. Although I strive for accuracy, this is not “The Gospel according to John.” Additionally, I don’t necessarily try to be “fair and balanced.” After all, I didn’t get into politics to be a news reporter. My agenda is to influence public policy consistent with Southern Ohio conservative values. For more information on my motivations or how to get involved, see: What is a Central Committee?